yamabiko ツ

Fieldwing – A SvelteKit Production

Diving Headfirst Into SvelteKit

Lately, I’ve been interested in trying to explore new technologies. After spending so much time working with React, I figured it was time to switch gears for a little bit. My goal was to learn something new and gain a fresh perspective on building for the web. After poking my head into several different doorways, I caught wind of what Rich Harris and the Svelte team have been up to lately.

While Svelte is perfectly viable on its own, I knew I’d be doing some routing and server-side rendering so I chose SvelteKit, which is their full-stack framework for building web applications. SvelteKit might not be the React-killer everybody seems to be on the lookout for, but it is blazing fast with concise syntax and flexible enough to accomodate a wide variety of use-cases. To take it straight from the horse’s mouth: It's a love letter to web development.

So, we have decided on SvelteKit as our vehicle for growth 🚀. With that settled, I dove right into building Fieldwing, a website that will allow users to track scores and statistics for their favorite college football teams. Users will be able to search for college teams from both the FBS and FCS conferences, select their preferred teams from a list, then make an API call to fetch relevant data about all selected teams from the College Football Database. What we do with that data is still up for debate, which we’ll get into in just a second.

It’s not a revolutionary application of course, but it’s one that I think a few of my friends and family will enjoy messing around with. After all, the goal here is to learn, not change the world. Gotta stretch the brain out a little from time to time! 🧠

Our application is not exactly laser-focused yet, as I have two very different paths that I am considering. Let’s hit the brakes and take a look at our fork in the road: Thanks for joining us on this journey!s to brag about how they beat their bitter rival Ohio State 36-0 in 1897, they can send (insert Ohio State fan name here) a link to Fieldwing containing the all-time history of the two school’s meetings.

📒 The Playbook

So far, I’ve been mainly focused on fleshing out ideas and expanding ideas into prototypes while I get accustomed to the SvelteKit ecosystem and syntax. I’ve come up with a high-level overview of our work-in-progress, which should give you an idea of what Fieldwing is all about in its current state. We’re just barely poking out of the soil, but we’ll get this little sapling grown eventually. 🌱

That’s all I’ve got for now. Feel free to check back later to see how things are progressing, as I’ll be sure to continue documenting my SvelteKit journey throughout. Thanks for stopping by. 👋

fin ᓚᘏᗢ